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Cooling Grow Room With Ice- Everything You Need to Know

If your budget is tight and heat in on(in the grow room), using some ice cubes is maybe the best idea to keep the temperature in between the magical 70-75F. It’s cheap, easy to do and still gives an expected result. And today in this post, we’re breaking down everything you need to know before cooling grows room with ice.

Before proceeding any further, let’s just answer the question that you’re worried about- Yes, you can cool a grow room with ice. Make a grow room icebox with a couple of fans for sucking and blowing cool air to the tent- that’s how to cool a grow tent without ac.

But there are some conditions applied. And you can’t do that in every situation. What are they? Well, check our DIY guide on how to cool a grow tent without ac using ice only-  


Types of Growrooms that Can be Cooled with Ice

Science says that, if you freeze a gallon of water, add it to the grow room and situate the fan to blow it, the temperature should fall down. But, this process is not for every kind of grow spaces on the earth.

Usually, indoor grow tents are of small sizes starting from 2′x2′ to 4’x4’ and even 5’x5’. Unless you have a large grow room, it’s okay to go with a single ice chest. Larger ones would require an ac unit as effective ways to cool grow room.

Types of Ices Used to Cool Growroom

In a broad sense, two kinds of ices are there for the purpose- Dry Ice and Normal Ice.

Items You Need

Making an ice box is fairly simple if you’re good at DIY stuff. Here is the basic list of product that you’ll need-

Steps of Making A DIY Ice Chest for Growtent

Step 1: Cut Two Holes on The Box

At first, cut two holes on the box with a 4” and 6”/8” of diameter respectively. Usually, the larger size of the hole is to connect the ducting flange that will blow cool air to the grow room. And the smaller one is to place the fan that will drive fresh air in.
Make sure that there is enough space beneath the holes so that you can place ice and water. Also, it’s important to keep the ducting flange hole larger than the other one.

Step 2: Fasten Your Ducting and Place the Fan

With the 6 inches hole, place a ducting flange that leads to the growth without any leakage. And on the other hole, place a 12V small fan that fits perfectly and powers it up.  

Step 3: Fill the Box with Ice

Now take a bag of ice and place it inside the chest. You can break it into smaller pieces if necessary. But make sure that the sucked in the air directly works on the ice. Depending on the size of the box, and the temperature, determine the schedule of shifting the ice.

Step 4: Test, Run and Shift

Now, power up the fan and make sure the duct hose is almost linear. Put a thermometer inside the grow tent and leave it for a half an hour. If the lights and humidifier is on, you should significant fall in the temperature.

If everything aforementioned is done, you’re ready to have one of the most cost-effective grow room cooling solutions.

Some Tips Before You Start

Frequently Asked Questions

Bottom Line

Cooling your grow tent with ice is one simple and easy idea to deal with temperature rise in a grow space. In case you don’t have an AC or want to avoid an AC unit, this is the method you should go for. But when the temperature is so high(above 80°F), that’s too hot to cool it down only with an ice box.

See our detailed guide on dealing with the high temperature inside a grow room, if mere icebox is insufficient for your heat problem.

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